Java – Glossary of Terms
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1. Abstract methods : All methods in an interface are abstract i.e., their body needs to be defined in a class that implement the interface.
2. Accessor method : It is a method that returns the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members.
3. Arguments : The values which are passed to the method during its call from the caller.
4. Base class : It is a class which is inherited by another class.
5. Binary file : store information in a form of bytes.
6. Block : It is a group of zero or more statements between balanced braces and can be used anywhere a single statement is allowed.
7. Break : It is a keyword, which is used to terminate the loop or switch case, when the condition is satisfied.
8. Buffer : is a high speed temporary storage, which is also known as cache memory
9. Buffered reader : It buffers the input and improves the performance.
10. Byte stream classes : They are built up to provide the functionality of reading and writing bytes. They help in transmitting data (bytes) in one direction. They are thus useful in Input : Output operation.
11. Casting : Explicit type conversion in which the data of higher precision is forced to get converted into lower precision, which might lead to possible loss of precission or the data going out of range.
12. Character : It is a token which is a distinctive mark or symbol, alphabets (small or capital) or digits.
13. Character stream classes : It support Input : Output operation on characters.
14. Coercion : Implicit data type conversion is termed as coercion in which the data gets converted to its higher type without any intervention of user.
15. Compile time error : Error that the compiler can find during compilation.
16. Compiler : The software which converts high level language instructions to machine level language at once.
17. Compound Statement : Is a set of multiple statement written within braces { } is called a compound statement.
18. Concatenation : The process of adding or appending a string at the end of another string.
19. Continue : is a keyword which is used to skip the current iteration and go for the next iteration, when the condition is satisfied within the program.
20. Dangling else Problem : The nested if : else statement introduces a source of potential ambiguity referred to as dangling else problem. This problem arises when in a nested if statement, number of ifs is more than the number of else clauses. The question arises, with which if does the additional else clause property match : up.
21. Data members : that contain information necessary to represent the class.
22. Debugging : is the process of identifying and correcting errors which occurs during the compilation of the program.
23. Dot (.) Operator : is a special type of operator which is used to accesses instance members of an object or class members of a class.
24. Dynamic Binding is the process of linking the function call with the function signature during the execution of the program.
25. Exception Handling : Way of handling anomalous situations during a program : run.
26. Expression : is any valid and legal combination of operators, constants and variables
27. Fall : through : Missing break statement that leads to fall of control, in which all the cases are executed, irrespective of the switch statement.
28. Field : An individual data item of a record.
29. Final : It is a keyword which when suffixed to a variable makes it a constant.
30. Global Variable : variables which is available to entire class (all the methods).
31. Impure expression : The operands in such an expression are of different datatype
32. Infinite loop : A loop that never ends.
33. Instance Variables : A global variable defined as non static within the class.
34. Integral Promotion : Conversion of shorter integral types into bigger integral types.
35. Interface : is a set of variables and methods like a class.
36. Iteration statement : Statements that allows a set of instructions to be performed repeatedly.
37. Java shorthand : A way of combining an arithmetic operator and an assignment operator.
38. Jump Statement : Statement that unconditionally transfers program control within a function.
39. L : Value The memory location of a variable is called L Value
40. Library class : Pre defined classes of java which get included in an application program itself. They are also known as Standard java classes or built : in : java classes.
41. Local variable : Variable declared inside a method or block.
42. Looping Statement : Iteration Statement. Also called a loop.
43. Mark & Sweep : An algorithm that is used to manage garbage collection in Java.
44. Message passing : is a way of sending / receiving information to / from objects / methods / class.
45. Multilevel Inheritance : A target which inherits a base can be used as a base for another target.
46. Mutator method : It is a method that sets / changes the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members.
47. Nested Loop : A loop that contains another loop inside its body.
48. New : It is a keyword which allocates the memory and instantiates an object.
49. Non : Static variables : The instance variables that are accessed by associating them with object separated by a dot.
50. Normal flow of control : When a command to execute a program is issued, control keeps on moving sequentially from one statement to other from beginning to an end in order to execute them is known as normal flow of control.
51. Object factory : A producer of objects that accepts some basic information and creates objects on based on this information.
52. Object source : The conversion of High Level Language to Machine Level Language with the help of a translator.
53. Parameter : The variable used with method signature which received value during function call.
54. Piece : of : code (Variable’s scope) : The program part(s) in which a particular piece : of code or a data value (e.g., variable) can be accessed.
55. Prototype : A function or a method prototype is the first line of a function that contains information about access specifier, modifier, return type function name and arguments.
56. Pure expression : All operand in such an expression are of same datatype
57. R : Value The read value (contents or value) of a variable.
58. Reader class : is a Character stream classes i.e., it is used to read characters from source.
59. Record : It is a set of related information.
60. Reusability : The process of adding some additional features to a class without modifying its contents.
61. Run Time Error : Error occurring during program execution.
62. Scope : Region within which a variable/ piece : of : code is accessible.
63. Scope of variable : It is a measure of as to what extent a variable visible and determines the limit within which they can be applied in a program.
64. Selection Statement : Statement that allows choosing a set : of : Instruction for execution depending upon an expression.
65. Sequential construct : The Statements in a program are executed sequentially one after the other from to the last statement.
66. Setter method : It is a method that sets / changes the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members.
67. Source code : An application program written High Level Language, which is an input to a computer system.
68. Statement : Instruction given to the computer to perform any kind of action.
69. Static initialization : When a variable is initialized with a specific constant before its use in the operation.
70. Static : It is a keyword which in the variable declaration make it class variable. Such variables or methods has only one instance in the physical memory and can be accessed either directly or using the class name. E.g. Math.sqrt( ) where sqrt( ) is a static method of Math class.
71. String Buffer : It is a type of string class, which allows reasonable space to contain a string in such a way that any change brought affects the same string, thus is a mutable class.
72. Subscripts are cell numbers of the array &subscript variable is the variable used along with cell no. E.g., m[4] 4 =Subscript m= subscript variable.
73. Super : It is a keyword used in inheritance for calling base class constructor. It is also used for calling the base class method in case that method has been overridden.
74. Syntax Error : Programming language’s grammar rules violation error.
75. Testing : It is the process of checking program logic manually to ensure whether it contains any error or not.
76. This : It is a keyword (which is actually a reference) sorting the address of the objects currently invoking a member functions.
77. Throws : It is a keyword used to inform the error handling classes that an error has occurred. It is specified with method prototype.
78. Token : The smallest individual unit of a Java program
79. Truncation : Rounding off by removing fractional part or removing parts of a string.
80. Try and catch : Try contains a block of statements to perform any error occurring within the try block is trapped. Further a report is passed to the exception handler about the error, which is done by the catch block.
81. Type Promotion : Conversion of all operands up to all the type of the largest operands.
82. Variable : It is a named memory location which holds a value of a specific datatype
2. Accessor method : It is a method that returns the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members.
3. Arguments : The values which are passed to the method during its call from the caller.
4. Base class : It is a class which is inherited by another class.
5. Binary file : store information in a form of bytes.
6. Block : It is a group of zero or more statements between balanced braces and can be used anywhere a single statement is allowed.
7. Break : It is a keyword, which is used to terminate the loop or switch case, when the condition is satisfied.
8. Buffer : is a high speed temporary storage, which is also known as cache memory
9. Buffered reader : It buffers the input and improves the performance.
10. Byte stream classes : They are built up to provide the functionality of reading and writing bytes. They help in transmitting data (bytes) in one direction. They are thus useful in Input : Output operation.
11. Casting : Explicit type conversion in which the data of higher precision is forced to get converted into lower precision, which might lead to possible loss of precission or the data going out of range.
12. Character : It is a token which is a distinctive mark or symbol, alphabets (small or capital) or digits.
13. Character stream classes : It support Input : Output operation on characters.
14. Coercion : Implicit data type conversion is termed as coercion in which the data gets converted to its higher type without any intervention of user.
15. Compile time error : Error that the compiler can find during compilation.
16. Compiler : The software which converts high level language instructions to machine level language at once.
17. Compound Statement : Is a set of multiple statement written within braces { } is called a compound statement.
18. Concatenation : The process of adding or appending a string at the end of another string.
19. Continue : is a keyword which is used to skip the current iteration and go for the next iteration, when the condition is satisfied within the program.
20. Dangling else Problem : The nested if : else statement introduces a source of potential ambiguity referred to as dangling else problem. This problem arises when in a nested if statement, number of ifs is more than the number of else clauses. The question arises, with which if does the additional else clause property match : up.
21. Data members : that contain information necessary to represent the class.
22. Debugging : is the process of identifying and correcting errors which occurs during the compilation of the program.
23. Dot (.) Operator : is a special type of operator which is used to accesses instance members of an object or class members of a class.
24. Dynamic Binding is the process of linking the function call with the function signature during the execution of the program.
25. Exception Handling : Way of handling anomalous situations during a program : run.
26. Expression : is any valid and legal combination of operators, constants and variables
27. Fall : through : Missing break statement that leads to fall of control, in which all the cases are executed, irrespective of the switch statement.
28. Field : An individual data item of a record.
29. Final : It is a keyword which when suffixed to a variable makes it a constant.
30. Global Variable : variables which is available to entire class (all the methods).
31. Impure expression : The operands in such an expression are of different datatype
32. Infinite loop : A loop that never ends.
33. Instance Variables : A global variable defined as non static within the class.
34. Integral Promotion : Conversion of shorter integral types into bigger integral types.
35. Interface : is a set of variables and methods like a class.
36. Iteration statement : Statements that allows a set of instructions to be performed repeatedly.
37. Java shorthand : A way of combining an arithmetic operator and an assignment operator.
38. Jump Statement : Statement that unconditionally transfers program control within a function.
39. L : Value The memory location of a variable is called L Value
40. Library class : Pre defined classes of java which get included in an application program itself. They are also known as Standard java classes or built : in : java classes.
41. Local variable : Variable declared inside a method or block.
42. Looping Statement : Iteration Statement. Also called a loop.
43. Mark & Sweep : An algorithm that is used to manage garbage collection in Java.
44. Message passing : is a way of sending / receiving information to / from objects / methods / class.
45. Multilevel Inheritance : A target which inherits a base can be used as a base for another target.
46. Mutator method : It is a method that sets / changes the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members.
47. Nested Loop : A loop that contains another loop inside its body.
48. New : It is a keyword which allocates the memory and instantiates an object.
49. Non : Static variables : The instance variables that are accessed by associating them with object separated by a dot.
50. Normal flow of control : When a command to execute a program is issued, control keeps on moving sequentially from one statement to other from beginning to an end in order to execute them is known as normal flow of control.
51. Object factory : A producer of objects that accepts some basic information and creates objects on based on this information.
52. Object source : The conversion of High Level Language to Machine Level Language with the help of a translator.
53. Parameter : The variable used with method signature which received value during function call.
54. Piece : of : code (Variable’s scope) : The program part(s) in which a particular piece : of code or a data value (e.g., variable) can be accessed.
55. Prototype : A function or a method prototype is the first line of a function that contains information about access specifier, modifier, return type function name and arguments.
56. Pure expression : All operand in such an expression are of same datatype
57. R : Value The read value (contents or value) of a variable.
58. Reader class : is a Character stream classes i.e., it is used to read characters from source.
59. Record : It is a set of related information.
60. Reusability : The process of adding some additional features to a class without modifying its contents.
61. Run Time Error : Error occurring during program execution.
62. Scope : Region within which a variable/ piece : of : code is accessible.
63. Scope of variable : It is a measure of as to what extent a variable visible and determines the limit within which they can be applied in a program.
64. Selection Statement : Statement that allows choosing a set : of : Instruction for execution depending upon an expression.
65. Sequential construct : The Statements in a program are executed sequentially one after the other from to the last statement.
66. Setter method : It is a method that sets / changes the value of a data : member of the class. It is actually for Private members.
67. Source code : An application program written High Level Language, which is an input to a computer system.
68. Statement : Instruction given to the computer to perform any kind of action.
69. Static initialization : When a variable is initialized with a specific constant before its use in the operation.
70. Static : It is a keyword which in the variable declaration make it class variable. Such variables or methods has only one instance in the physical memory and can be accessed either directly or using the class name. E.g. Math.sqrt( ) where sqrt( ) is a static method of Math class.
71. String Buffer : It is a type of string class, which allows reasonable space to contain a string in such a way that any change brought affects the same string, thus is a mutable class.
72. Subscripts are cell numbers of the array &subscript variable is the variable used along with cell no. E.g., m[4] 4 =Subscript m= subscript variable.
73. Super : It is a keyword used in inheritance for calling base class constructor. It is also used for calling the base class method in case that method has been overridden.
74. Syntax Error : Programming language’s grammar rules violation error.
75. Testing : It is the process of checking program logic manually to ensure whether it contains any error or not.
76. This : It is a keyword (which is actually a reference) sorting the address of the objects currently invoking a member functions.
77. Throws : It is a keyword used to inform the error handling classes that an error has occurred. It is specified with method prototype.
78. Token : The smallest individual unit of a Java program
79. Truncation : Rounding off by removing fractional part or removing parts of a string.
80. Try and catch : Try contains a block of statements to perform any error occurring within the try block is trapped. Further a report is passed to the exception handler about the error, which is done by the catch block.
81. Type Promotion : Conversion of all operands up to all the type of the largest operands.
82. Variable : It is a named memory location which holds a value of a specific datatype
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